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May Overview

Pride Month is coming up, so I thought it would be a good idea to look back on May and see what I’ve accomplished. Which, as it turns out, is quite a bit.


Oh gosh. This month has been absolutely phenomenal for me in terms of my writing. In April, I started the third draft of my novel The Fallen Star, and then scrapped 8 chapters to start all over again. As one does. Being a chronic pantser, I didn’t have a plan for this draft. I only knew that it was going to be so different from the previous two. I knew I had to work on Nova’s character a lot. She’s still my messy star child, but she’s come a long way from that messy first draft, despite of — and in spite of — all the things I throw at her. She’s stronger as a character, and her faith in the stars — and herself — is now a much stronger part of her character.

I started May with 17,000 words, and finished with over 60,000. Its not the 50,000 most people can accomplish in a month during NaNoWriMo, BUT I personally have never written that much in a month, so it was a screaming success for me. Once I had a goal in mind (weekly and monthly), I fought to reach it. The last few days were the hardest, because I had reached the halfway point and didn’t know where to go after that. Like I said, chronic pantser. The mid point in my novel hasn’t changed from the first draft, but the events leading up to it and the events after needed to change, for Nova’s sake. Her arc is now more solid and sure, and I’m confident in the changes I’m making.

In June, I’m hoping for another 40,000 — and to finish my novel. I’m working harder on plotting, and I’ve known from the beginning of this draft what needs to happen at the end. Hopefully it all pans out, and then I can start on the sequel. Because, yes, the new ending of this book will lead to a brand new sequel. And I have no idea what’s supposed to happen in it!


Not much has changed in my personal life this month. I’m still single, still closeted, still living at home.

But, my friend and I have begun looking more intensely at renting an apartment. We even went to a viewing and put in an application! This was the first big step in our endless search. Unfortunately, we didn’t get the place, but we’re still looking. Hopefully June can change that.

And while I have no intention of coming out while I’m living at home, I’m excited for this June. I plan on walking into work tomorrow and yelling “HAPPY PRIDE!” Plus, I’ve changed the clock face on my Apple Watch to the pride flag (at least, for work only. It’ll be Minnie Mouse at home).


On that note, work is actually looking up. My manager has been talking with me about taking on more responsibility, in the hopes that I can become a full-time associate and potentially an assistant manager. June marks my one year anniversary at this job, and I know people who have been there for three years without moving anywhere. The supervisor of our district has taken notice too, and she’s very encouraging of my upward movement. This has never been a career for me, but I’m comfortable where I am right now, and I’m looking forward to any changes in June.

Well, that’s it! Overall, my writing habits have changed the most this month, all positive. I also started bullet journaling, which is still a process, but it’s interesting to see what I’ve been able to accomplish through my habit tracker. I’ve written more than anything this month, and my “no sugar” block remains empty, because I really like sugar. I’ve also had more water to drink this month than…ever, which if you know me, was a struggle. (My coworker continues to wonder how I’m alive.)

My goals for June are to drink more water, be more active, and read more. I’ll see you again at the end of June with an update! Until then, happy writing!

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