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Kay's Raves - Feb in Review

Hey, it's Kay. This month's blog post is going to be short, which seems apropos as February is a short month.

I finished reading one book this month (that I had started last year), and began another. Keep reading for my thoughts below.

First of all, a thousand stars to Tara Sim's The City of Dusk. This book consumed me when I started it last year, but I had to put it aside for a bit when I began drafting Sable, because it was too inspiring (is that possible?). Taesia Lastrider owns my entire soul, and she was instrumental in creating Sable's character. I finally picked it up against this month when I finished writing Sable, and blew through the entire second half in mere days. Tara Sim weaves such a beautiful world with complex and complicated characters and even worse gods. My whole thing is characters who struggle with religion, and oh boy does this book deliver on that. I am ANGRY that I have to wait for the sequel.

I knew I wasn't going to read much this month because I was on vacation for 10 days (oh California, take me back), but I did manage to start reading MK Lobb's Seven Faceless Saints while I was away. Out of the hundreds of books on my TBR, I chose this one because it's another book that centres on characters who have complicated relationships with religion. I'm only halfway through, but it's been a breeze to read. Roz and Damian have my whole heart. And of course we love supporting a fellow Canadian author. I can guarantee this one will be a 5/5 stars.

That's it from me for this month! Maybe I'll more have to share in March.

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