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Books You Should Read...

...To Get To Know Me

Hey, it's Kay. This week's blog post is something a little different. Today, I decided to share some of my favourite books that sum me up as a person. In no particular order, these books were either formative in my life, inspirational in my writing, or plain enjoyable to read. So grab a cuppa, open up your Goodreads TBR, and read on.

The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning

These books were by far the most formative to me, in that they basically inspired my entire university career and most of my writing career. I was reading these books in Grades 11 & 12, the same time I was reading Moning's Highlander series (a LOT more steamy than the Fever series), during a time in my life when I didn't know what I wanted to do after high school. I wasn't interested in "higher learning," but these books came to me at the right time. I decided to pursue a degree in Celtic Studies thanks to these books. Set in Ireland, the Fever series really inspired in me an interest in Celtic mythology, and I knew from then on that I wanted to learn more about Celtic myth, lore, & history in order to incorporate it into my own writing. I will always be grateful to these books for helping me choose that path.


Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

My all-time favourite book. This book spoke to me in ways I still can't explain. It weaves history into in a modern-day setting in a way I've never seen before. This is my go-to recommendation for everyone.


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

I never got into Maas' other series, but I like to think ACOTAR inspired my first novel, The Fallen Star. Fairies have been my favourite thing to write about since my Moning days; plus, this series has one of my all-time favourite quotes: "To the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered."


A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

V.E. Schwab is my favourite author, hands down. The worlds, the characters, the writing! Schwab's books are the only ones I have duplicates of, because I adore them so much. If I could write half as good as Schwab one day, I'll be satisfied.


Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

I don't know what to say about these books except wow. I loved them so much my main tumblr account is named after Kaz Brekker. And no, this doesn't include the rest of the Grishaverse books. I just couldn't get into those ones (though perhaps with the new Netflix show, I might give them a shot again).


Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

Yes, I put two books by Leigh Bardugo on this list, because this is the only "adult" book I adore. Please, universe, give me more!


Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan

Do I really have to explain how good this book is? If you haven't read Duncan's debut, please move it to the top of your TBR. The characters are insanely inspired and the setting is *chef's kiss* so good. You will love the feisty cleric and her monster boy. Trust me. (Ruthless Gods just came out last week, and you can check out my Instagram to see them side-by-side in all their dark and holy goodness.)


Have you read any on this list? What are some books that sum you up as a person? Let me know in the comments!

(Disclaimer: All pictures are my own!)

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